Sustainability is indeed a keyword in today and
tomorrow’s daily life. However, what is the true meaning
of sustainability? Is it possible to find the right balance between economical, technological and environmental sustainability? Such questions are the starting point of
the Sustainable Powertrain Tour 2021, promoted and organized by Diesel International, a bimonthly magazine in English language aimed at providing its readers with first- hand information about the current and future evolution of industrial engines and powertrains. The magazine is part of a broader platform including a daily updated website and the related social media.
The first edition of the Sustainable Powertrain Tour 2021 looks towards the future without neglecting the current requirements of OEMs as well as end users when it comes to choosing a machine or a system. In fact, we believe that these requirements need to be taken into consideration along with the ever-stricter emissions standards featuring nearly all the end sectors. As a matter of fact, cleaner diesel engines, hybridization, electrification and research on alternative (and much less polluting) fuels for internal combustion engines do not concern only automotive applications. These trends have started to show their potential also in off-highway applications, as well as in the leisure boating sector or in power generation (let’s think about the smart grids, just to make an example).
The watchword for decarbonization is ‘RIGHT NOW’. In other words, it’s time to talk about all this involving primary international institutions together with some of the main global players among the manufacturers of engines and powertrain components.
The Sustainable Powertrain Tour 2021 was created in
the wake of a huge commitment for the promotion of sustainability carried out by Vado e Torno, our publishing house. It is no coincidence that Vado e Torno, through the various magazines published, has established during the years some well-known international awards. From the Sustainable Bus of the Year, addressed to the bus field, to the Sustainable Truck of the Year, up to the Sustainable Tractor of the Year, assigned yearly to the most innovative and game-changing industrial solutions.

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