11 high level speakers, 1,649 registrations, over 1,000 single viewers. These are the main figures about the first event of the Sustainable Bus Tour 2021, on air the 6th May 2021. And now available online on our Youtube channel (and below).

Topic? ‘The electric depot. Charging and managing large e-bus fleets’. Being more specific, the questions the event was addressed to are: how to manage large fleets of e-buses? How to deal between the necessity of a sufficient daily range and the efficient distribution of the appropriate charging infrastructures? Slow charging or fast charging? With a background consideration: the transition to zero emission buses in city public transport must be based not only on a careful examination of current needs, but also an informed view on future scenarios.

The Sustainable Bus Tour has an ambitious goal: not just focusing on today, on what has been done so far and is being done today, but to provide outlooks on how the technology is evolving, in order to give a view on future scenarios

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