I'm going back and forth December 2020
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Contents of the month: December 2020
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A word from the winners.
The two final stages.
Sustainability between food and logistics.
The virus does not stop the transition.
Heroes but with an empty stomach.
Logistics: the Padua Charter.
Without a pay slip you don't work.
Many doubts about the transport of medicines.
If the vaccine travels in the cold.
With dry ice at minus 80.
Daf Xf 480 6 x 2 isothermal.
In the Super space the air of home.
Ford Trucks F-Max and Legacy.
All the info in real time.
Man Tgx 18.640.
Mercedes E-Sprinter.
Guaranteed adventure in the desert.
Truck racing surrenders to the virus.
Crane Pm 100 Sp.
With Schmitz 'Seize the incentive'.
To the Torello 60 Xf Group.
Daf strengthens in Hungary.
Ford E-Transit.
Renault Kangoo.
Toyota Hilux.
Iveco for the Red Cross.
Man Tgx, timeless efficiency.
Mercedes from T1 to Sprinter.
From Germany war to cabotage. * Trailer sales down. * A world of heavy trucks. * The survey of the month. * Hydrogen, Toyota focuses on the States. * Supertunnel between Estonia and Finland. * Geodis greener with Ariston. * The Sadobe autoport has a new look. * Arcese redoes her makeup. * Veronesi Group record train. * Diesel, US production drops. * This is how Teem counteracts the fog. * Gls group on the offensive. * UPS breakthrough to hi-tech. * Short: Scania, Daf, Cnh, Iveco and Fpt. * Frankfurt Cargo city is growing. * Incentives arrive at Brenner. * Iveco and Cib for biomethane. * If Brexit remains an unknown.
Letters. * Laws. * Live from Europe. * In two words. * List of alternatives. * Sales price list. * Pick-up price list. * Index of the 2020 vintage. * Tax
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